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Query knowledge graphs in natural or controlled natural language with FactEngine.

A typical Natural Language query looks like:

Show me people that provided a nasal swab at a visit occurrence with Kathy Snelling at Cairns Hospital on 2nd September 2020 with a visit detail for a condition occurrence of the condition, Covid-19. Include the note taken at the visit occurrence.

A typical FactEngine Query Language (FEQL) query looks like the below:

NB FEQL queries can be written directly or converted from natural language.

The documentation for FactEngine can be found at: FactEngine Documentation


The list of databases supported by FactEngine is at: FactEngine Databases

FactEngine is part of the Boston software. Choose one of the Boston products to purchase FactEngine.

Watch the video below to see FactEngine in action:

Schema-Aware Semantic Search with FactEngine

Need Natural Language Queries converted to FactEngine Query Language (FEQL)?

Read how we can help you convert Natural Language Queries to FEQL to operate over your database.

More on FactEngine

Embrace Relational Knowledge Graphs

All databases can be viewed as if a graph database or a relational database. Keep your existing database infrastructure and enjoy the best of both words with FactEngine and Boston.